SIPER – Bulgaria Ltd was registered in Bulgaria as trading company with foreign participation, in accordance with the “Law for foreign investments”, which settles the conditions and the terms under which foreigners can invest in Bulgaria, accepted on the 17th of May 1991. The Portuguese citizen, Adolfo Perejra, owns 60 % of the capital of the company. He participates as civilian in the contract for establishment of the organization.
Letter – certificatory № 06943/2.10.1996 of the Ministry of Finance confirms that the investments for Siper-Bulgaria, done by Adolfo Perejra, are registered on basis of article 11 by The Law for the Trading Activities by foreigners and the Protection of the foreign investments.
Siper-Bulgaria is a limited liability company, in the sense by the Trade Law, which regulates the trading activities in the country since 1989.
In accordance to the court registration, the company has three partners:
Addolfo Olivejra Perejra
Teodora Dimitrova Nenova
Angel Donchev Nikolov
The company is ruled and represented by Teodora Dimitrova Nenova, and Angel Donchev Nikolov. The term of existence of the company is indefinite. The capital of the company is 30 0000 (three thousand) leva, paid in full.
In real, Siper-Bulgaria Ltd by its activities can be defined as a branch of the SIPER SOCIEDADE DE ISOLAMENTOS Lda., which owner is also Mr. Adolfo Perejra. His Portuguese company has its headquarters in the City of Lisboan, and also has a branch in the City of Porto, in Portugal. The company is one of the best companies on the market for insulating materials in Portugal.
During its existence, the company in Portugal has gained respect and has established contacts with the biggest manufacturers of insulating materials in the world.